We start in a UNIT lab, where a scientist is telling his superior about something odd that's entering earth's atmosphere. They assume them to be meteors, but he says they seem to be in formation of some kind. The pair send a team out to check it out anyway and retreive any information they can.
Conviently, the Doctor's TARDIS lands in the same area. he opens the door and passes out in the field.
UNIT hires an attractive young scientist, Elizabeth Shore, to check out the meteorite fragments they bring back. She meets with Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, who we met in a previous episode, Web Of Fear. He explains to her what UNIT does. She's a very serious, very logical and intelligent young woman, and as such, she doesn't believe in aliens, at least not that they've visited earth before. When the Brigadier tells her where the meteorites landed, she tells him that's not possible. 6 months ago, smaller meteorites landed in the exact spot, odds that she calls "impossible."
Miss Shaw here is going to experience a lot of 'impossible' things soon.
While explaining to Miss Shaw that the Earth has twice been threatened by extraterrestrials and both times a genius calling himself the Doctor has helped them, the Brigadier is interrupted by a call from an associate, regarding an "unconscious civvie" found lying beside a police box at the site. In disbelief, he tells his associate to place armed guards around the police box and that he'll be at the hospital soon to see the man.
This is going to get a little confusing at the hospital as we have our Doctor and an actual medical doctor taking care of him, so bear with me here.
In the Doctor's hospital room, a nurse and doctor are looking at his chest x-rays. The doctor thinks it must be some kind of joke from the x-ray department, because, as he points out to the stunningly oblivious nurse, the x-ray shows that he has two hearts. Furious, he calls them to tell them it's not at all funny when they accuse him of making jokes as well. The sample of blood he gave them (to the x-ray department? Maybe English hospitals in the 70s were different, I can't say for sure...) was not human blood.
The doctor must have been so furious that he just used the nearest phone available, instead of going somewhere private to discuss a patient, because he's using a hallway phone. This allows the porter to hear everything we hear about this odd patient, and he immediately goes to call a newspaper about the story, hoping to make a quick buck.
This is why you need to pay your employees a decent wage. |
Anyway, in the field where the meteorites fell, we meet a man with a red scarf and driving cap digging up one of these, clearly very alien, meteorites and putting it in a sack. There is a team of UNIT soldiers ambling around another part of the field nearby, but they don't see him. Who exactly trains these UNIT guys?
Trees: UNIT's greatest enemy. |
Back in the hospital room, it seems the Doctor is coming to. He sticks his feet out of the blanket, wiggles them, and, in his barely conscious state, keeps leaning off the bed to look for his shoes, much to the dismay of his nurse.
Thanks to the porter's tip, the hospital's lobby is now crawling with reporters. Lethbridge-Stewart has made his way down with Miss Shaw and the reporters ask why he's there and if there's really an alien in there. he says he's there for a training exercise, which doesn't really make any sense, and goes to see the Doctor. one reporter speculates that the man in the hospital might know where the meteors landed and won't tell them.
When Lethbridge-Stewart talks to the doctor treating...the Doctor, he tells them that the Doctor's cardiovascular system is completely different. Lethbridge-Stewart goes over to the bed to look at the Doctor, expecting to recognize him. He's confused and disappointed when he doesn't, but then the Doctor wakes up and says his name, and how nice it is to see him again. Lethbridge-Stewart asks how he knows him, and it dawns on the Doctor that he's regenerated and borrows a mirror from Elizabeth to see. "that's not me at all! no wonder you didn't recognize me!"
The Doctor then pretends to go unconscious again, and Lethbridge-Stewart tells his associate that he wants him brought to UNIT HQ as soon as possible. He slips out a back exit, trying to avoid the media frenzy.
Out in the lobby, the reporters notice the Brigadier's car driving away and talk amongst themselves. They've noticed an odd gentleman who's been hanging out in the phone booth for a long time. nobody recognizes him, and when one reporter asks when he'll be finished, he says nothing and rushes off.
Back in the field where the TARDIS is being guarded, our man in the red scarf and cap approaches a UNIT guard. They ask how he got into a secure area, which doesn't seem like it would have been hard at all. He tells them that he saw the UNIT soldiers, but they didn't see him, and then asks him if he'd like to buy a rabbit, pulling out a dead one from his sack. The UNIT soldier accuses him of being a poacher and, I assume, think that he's lying when he suggests he knows where the other meteorite fell, because they tell him to leave instead of taking him in for questioning or anything like that.
At the hospital, the medical doctor asks the nurse how he's doing. She tells him that his pulse has slowed down.... to 10 a minute. The doctor shrugs and says that the trouble with him is that they just don't know what his normal is. The medical staff all seem to be handling this really well, nobody's going "ALIENS ON EARTH. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS?!"
The medical doctor decides to check on our Doctor. He asks how he's feeling.
"Shoes," he replies. The doctor wonders aloud if there was brain damage after all. When the doctor gives him his shoes, he snatches them and pretends to pass out again. As soon as the nurse and doctor leave, he tips a key out of one of his shoes.
Suddenly (this really does feel very sudden), the Doctor is abducted! a couple of guys and the man who was in the phone booth earlier have taped up his mouth and put him in a wheelchair. The Doctor cooperates with them until they're loading him into an ambulance, when he takes control of the wheelchair and rolls away as fast as he can. The abductor drives the ambulance after him, while the apparently useless UNIT guards try to shoot at the tires. Try being the key word. Some guards they are, their charge gets abducted and they can't even stop the culprit? How did THAT happen?
...drat. |
The UNIT guards are, however, able to find the Doctor's wheelchair, empty and turned over near the wooded area where the TARDIS is being guarded and follow him into the woods, but the group guarding the TARDIS see him first...and shoot him.
Now why didn't they shoot the poacher like that? Nice to see that they've seriously gotten their shit together since the 1970s.
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