Friday, January 7, 2011

First things first, but not necessarily in that order.

The first time I heard of Doctor Who was when a friend of mine on a forum told me I looked like Romana II. When I told him I didn't know who that was, he sent me a link to a photo of Lalla Ward in a boat holding a book, with a great big smile on her face. personally I think the smile is really the only thing we have in common lookswise, but I did some research on Doctor Who after that. It looked like my kind of show; time travel was always a favorite sci-fi topic of mine, even though I'm convinced it's not possible to do in reality. unfortunately, my google-fu could only take me so far at that point, and I never got to actually watching any.

Fast forward a year or two to when I met my boyfriend Joe. He's the king of all things nerdy, and I wanted to soak up everything I could get my hands on. When he learned I'd never seen Doctor Who, he decided we had to remedy this at once. To be honest, I don't remember which episode we watched first, or even if it was the 9th or 10th doctor, but we did watch all of the first season of the 10th doctor's, and I guess I just never stopped watching.

Until 2010. I had kept up with downloading and watching the 11th Doctor as religiously as I had ever watched a show before. and then the season finale happened...and there was a void. I'd seen all of the new series. What now?

I bought a bunch of books from various classic doctor's times, DEVOURED each within a day or two. I acquired a DVD with a story arc from the 6th Doctor's series, Revelation of The Daleks. That only made me want more, of course.

So I went torrent-hunting. I'd always wanted to watch the famous 4th Doctor, but I felt like I couldn't just start from the middle and go from there. if I was going to watch it, I was going to watch it all.

All 770 episodes.

I found my dream torrent one day during the summer, with every episode from the 1st Doctor to the 10th, including reconstructed episodes of the missing ones, the 108 that the BBC saw fit to wipe in the 1960s long before they realized what a treasured classic they had on hand!

While I'm eternally grateful and amazed by the insanity and dedication of these fans that scrounged up every last remnant and scrap of each missing episode they could find, watching them was one of the more tedious and, well...boring part of watching the classic Doctor Who.

I really loved the first doctor. I list William Hartnell among my favorites of the doctors I've seen so far. I'll post my impressions and experiences watching both the first and the second doctor in later posts, but since those two were plagued by the tedious reconstruction episodes I've decided to start this blog to coincide with the start of the 3rd Doctor, the first one where we have all the episodes in some form or another, and, conveniently where I've just begun.


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